Archived Board Goals
GOALS 2017-2018
- Curriculum: Take decisive action on AP Capstone program
- Curriculum: Review technology initiatives including Maker Spaces
- Finance/Facilities: Continue comprehensive oversight of facilities projects financed via the March 2016 referendum vote (Central, bathrooms, HVAC, windows, etc.)
- Negotiations: Conclude successful discussions with the Administrators’ bargaining unit, culminating in a new contract
- Continue to keep the public fully informed of the ongoing facilities projects
GOALS 2016-2017
- Curriculum: Monitor math curriculum review process and implementation of newly reviewed/rewritten G&T curriculum; oversee “Mission 20/20” progress in the following areas:
- 1 to 1 Initiative
- IB to AP Capstone comparison
- Finance: Oversee the financial/facilities aspects of the referendum process
- Negotiations: Complete contract negotiations with the GREA
- Communications: Oversee creation and implementation of a successful PR campaign for “Referendum 17”
- Personnel/Policy: Create a new definition of the District’s mission; engage in systematic, pro-active policy review
GOALS 2015-2016
- Bring selected components of the Long Range Facilities Plan to reality, addressing issues including capacity (class size), funding and sustainability. Define the long and short term facilities plans to the community.
- Introduce World Language to younger students.
- Create Language Arts portfolios for students starting in the earliest grades and continuing through high school.
- Maximize the effective use of technology District-wide, including aspects of Mission 2020, STEM/STEAM and the Virtual High School
- Continue exploration of IB (International Baccalaureate) or other alternative curricula
GOALS 2014-2015
- Report more frequently to the full Board on curriculum areas/developments.
- Oversee creation of a plan to increase, enhance and revitalize the World Language Program in grades K-12.
- Oversee the creation of a new long Range Facilities Plan to address population pressure, revitalize aging facilities and meet future educational needs. Analyze short and long term financial implications of the LRFP in order to make the best use of available district and community resources. (tentative)
- Initiate an Administrative Workload Audit to study the most effective deployment of administrative staff to enhance student achievement. Analyze audit results and, in conjunction with the Superintendent, develop recommendations for changes and improvements to address challenges.
GOALS 2013-2014
- Oversee the development of a 'roadmap' for the incorporation of technology literacy throughout all curricular disciplines.
- Oversee the development of a strategic plan for improvements to the district facilities that will increase operations efficiency and support twenty first century technology-enabled learning activities.
- Reduce excess surplus amount (barring unforeseen circumstances/situations).
- Oversee development of strategies that will enable the district to differentiate itself from its peer groups.
- Consider adopting procedures to maximize our scores on those evaluations while upholding our educational mission
- Monitor the ways by which the strengthening/coordination of programs at the elementary level are presented to parents and the community.
- Monitor and report on available data on the overall efficacy of the evaluation process in Glen Ridge.
- Monitor and report on the effects of increased observation workload on our administrators' time and ability to respond to other demands of their jobs.
GOALS 2012-2013
- To understand and monitor the implementation of the new teacher and administrator evaluation system.
- Monitor implementation of established initiatives and assess new initiatives that further Strategic Plan objectives, including:
- Gifted & Talented programs in all schools
- Math program roll-out in the elementary schools
- Other new initiatives to be established
- Monitor and manage major financial initiatives as follows:
- Ensure that the scope of 2012-2013 constructions capital expenditure remains below allocated funding of $1.3 million
- Facilitate reduction of excess budget surplus by at least $50K for the 2013-2014 school year
- Ensure that expenditures for teacher evaluation implementation remain within the allocated budget of $40K
GOALS 2011-2012
- Review implementation of the district’s new Gifted & Talented (G&T) and writing initiatives (in keeping with the objectives of the Strategic Plan).
- Monitor the administration’s progress toward designing and implementing a new teacher evaluation system in advance of new state requirements for 2012-2013.
- Monitor and assess the demands on teachers, administrators and support staff created by a dramatic increase in unfunded State mandates and associated bureaucratic responsibilities, coupled with growth in student population. Address any challenges that we discover while staying within stringent budgetary constraints.
- Take appropriate budgetary steps to reduce the excess budget surplus.
GOALS 2010-2011
COMMUNICATIONS: Augment current communications efforts with topical BOE “focus events” to educate the public on topics of community interest (negotiations, budget, legislation, etc.)
CURRICULUM: Monitor the District’s efforts to increase student achievement in the area of writing.
FINANCE: Create a budget that supports quality education, given a 2% limit on annual property tax increases and the probability of no state aid.
- In conjunction with the Superintendent, examine and refine the Board's role in the annual review of staff evaluations. Specifically, we would like to define more clearly what information the Board wants to receive from our administrators about the staff under review and how best to be an effective part of the evaluation process.
- With regard to policy, create a process to review current and incoming policies systematically, with an eye to at least weeding out the outdated ones. Contact Strauss Esmay for assistance and guidance in this task.