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2019-2020 Meetings

Glen Ridge Board of Education
2019-2020 Board Meetings
TIME LOCATION                                       AGENDA                MINUTES        
6/15/20 6:30pm


You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Jun 15, 2020 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: BOE Meeting

Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Password: 8qy5hZ

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US: +16465588656,,89702253253#,,,,0#,,100984# or +13017158592,,89702253253#,,,,0#,,100984#
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US: +1 646 558 8656 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 669 900 9128 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799
Webinar ID: 897 0225 3253

Virtual Meeting

Addendum 6.15.20 

Agenda 6.15.20

Administration Exhibit 1

Administration Exhibit 2

Administration Exhibit 3

Personnel .1 6.15.20

Personnel .2 6.15.20

Personnel 3 6.15.20

Business 6.15.20

Minutes 6.15.2020 
5/18/20 6:30pm

Virtual Meeting


Hi there,

You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: May 18, 2020 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: BOE Meeting 5/18/2020

Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Password: 8wwJWj

Or iPhone one-tap :
US: +13126266799,,82870039835#,,1#,573473# or +16465588656,,82870039835#,,1#,573473#
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 558 8656 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 9128 or +1 253 215 8782
Webinar ID: 828 7003 9835
Password: 573473


Agenda 5.18.20

Administration Exhibit 1

Administration Exhibit 2

Administration Exhibit 3

Administration Exhibit 4

Business May 18.2020

 Minutes 5.18.20
4/27/20 6:30pm

Virtual Meeting

If using telephone access only, you will be 

unable to give Public Comments.

You can e-mail public comments to:


Agenda 4.27.2020

Administration Exhibit (1) 4.27.20

Administration Exhibit (2) 4.27.2020

Business April 27.2020

 Minutes 4.27.2020
4/6/20 6:30pm  Virtual Meeting

Addendum 4.6.2020

 Agenda 4.6.20

Personnel Exhibits 4.6.20 (1)

Personnel Exhibits 4.6.20 (2)

Personnel Exhibits 4.6.20 (3)

Personnel Exhibits 4.6.20 (4)

Business April 6.2020

 Minutes 4.6.2020
3/2/2020 8:00pm GRHS - Media Center

 Agenda 3.2.2020

Curriculum Exhibits 3.2.2020

Business March 2.2020

 Minutes 3.2.2020
2/10/2020 8:00pm GRHS - Media Center

Agenda 2.10.2020

Curriculum Exhibits 2.10.2020

Business Feb.10.20

 Minutes 2.10.2020
1/27/2020 8:00pm GRHS-Media Center

 Agenda 1.27.2020

Addendum 1.27.2020

Curriculum Exhibits 1.27.2020

Business Jan.27.2020

 Minutes 1.27.2020
1/15/2020 8:00PM GRHS- Media Center

Agenda 1.15.2020

Administration Exhibit 1.15.2020


 Minutes 1.15.2020
1.2.2020 8:00PM GRHS- Media Center

Agenda 1.2.20

Addendum 1.2.20

Administration Exhibit 1.2.20

Curriculum Exhibits 1.2.20

Business Jan 2.2020

 Minutes 1.2.2020
12.9.19 8:00pm GRHS-Media Center

Agenda 12.9.19

Administration Exhibit 12.9.19

Business Dec.9.19

Curriculum Exhibit 12.9.19

 Minutes 12.9.19
11.18.198 8:00pm GRHS-Media Center

Agenda 11.18.19 

Addendum 11.18.19

Curriculum Exhibits 11.18.19

Business Nov 18.2019


 Minutes 11.18.19
10.28.19 8:00pm GRHS-Media Center

Agenda 10.28.19

Addendum 10.28.19

Administration 10.28.19

Curriculum 10.28.19

Business Oct 28.19


 Minutes 10.28.19
10.7.19 8:00pm GRHS - Media Center


Agenda 10.7.19

Administration Exhibits 10.7.19

Curriculum Exhibits 10.7.19

 Minutes 10.7.19
9.23.19 8:00pm GRHS - Media Center 

 Agenda 9.23.19

 Addendum 9.23.19

Administration Exhibit 9.23.19

Curriculum Exhibit 9.23.19


Business Sept.23.19


 Minutes 9.23.19
9/9/19 8:00pm GRHS- Media Center

Agenda 9.9.19

Addendum 9.9.19

Curriculum Exhibit 9.9.19

Business 9.9.19

 Minutes 9.9.19
 7/22/19 8:00pm GRHS - Media Center

Agenda 7.22.19

Addendum 7.22.19

Personnel 7.22.19

Curriculum 7.22.19

Business 7.22.19

 Minutes 7.22.19