2019-2020 Meetings
6/15/20 | 6:30pm |
You are invited to a Zoom webinar. Please click the link below to join the webinar: Or iPhone one-tap : Virtual Meeting |
Minutes 6.15.2020 | |
5/18/20 | 6:30pm |
Virtual Meeting
Hi there, You are invited to a Zoom webinar. Please click the link below to join the webinar: Or iPhone one-tap :
Minutes 5.18.20 | |
4/27/20 | 6:30pm |
Virtual Meeting If using telephone access only, you will be unable to give Public Comments. You can e-mail public comments to: Dphillips@glenridge.org
Administration Exhibit (1) 4.27.20 |
Minutes 4.27.2020 |
4/6/20 | 6:30pm | Virtual Meeting | Minutes 4.6.2020 | |
3/2/2020 | 8:00pm | GRHS - Media Center | Minutes 3.2.2020 | |
2/10/2020 | 8:00pm | GRHS - Media Center | Minutes 2.10.2020 | |
1/27/2020 | 8:00pm | GRHS-Media Center | Minutes 1.27.2020 | |
1/15/2020 | 8:00PM | GRHS- Media Center |
Administration Exhibit 1.15.2020
Minutes 1.15.2020 |
1.2.2020 | 8:00PM | GRHS- Media Center | Minutes 1.2.2020 | |
12.9.19 | 8:00pm | GRHS-Media Center | Minutes 12.9.19 | |
11.18.198 | 8:00pm | GRHS-Media Center |
Minutes 11.18.19 |
10.28.19 | 8:00pm | GRHS-Media Center |
Minutes 10.28.19 |
10.7.19 | 8:00pm | GRHS - Media Center |
Agenda 10.7.19 |
Minutes 10.7.19 |
9.23.19 | 8:00pm | GRHS - Media Center |
Administration Exhibit 9.23.19
Minutes 9.23.19 |
9/9/19 | 8:00pm | GRHS- Media Center | Minutes 9.9.19 | |
7/22/19 | 8:00pm | GRHS - Media Center | Minutes 7.22.19 |