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Maternity Leave Information

G.R.B.O.E. Maternity Guide

Congratulations on the upcoming birth of your baby!

The guide is to be used as a resource to assist you in navigating your way through the maternity leave process.  This guide will provide information and resources on a variety of topics.  We encourage you to reach out to the Payroll Office, (973) 429-8300 x1005 if you have any additional questions about maternity leave.


GREA CBA 13.9 page 23

“Pregnant employees shall notify the Superintendent of Schools of their condition and anticipated delivery date as soon as possible but in no case less than 120 days prior to the delivery date. Their notice should include the anticipated date to commence the leave and their intention as to use of sick days (if available).”

Employees are required to send notice to the superintendent requesting a maternity leave along with a doctor’s note stating the anticipated due date.

Click the link to access the online leave request form: Leave Request Form


Childbirth Paid Leave:

GREA CBA 13.9 page 23

“Upon normal physician's certification, a teacher shall be entitled to 20 working days before and 20 working days after the anticipated date of birth (including school holiday and vacation periods). Sick days shall be charged only for days when school is in session. Upon additional specific medical certification, a teacher with pregnancy complications shall be entitled to utilize additional accumulated sick leave as necessary.”  


Paid Leave Timeline

***The 20 working days must fall within 30 calendar days before or 30 calendar days after the actual date of your delivery under a normal physician’s certification.

Childcare Unpaid Leave (Extended Leave): 

The Board shall grant child care leave without pay to an employee upon request under the conditions listed in the CBA (p. 24 13.9 B).

  1. Tenure Staff:

    • If the birth occurs prior to February 1st, the employee can request within thirty(30) days of the birth to extend the leave (unpaid) to the end of the school year.
    • If the birth occurs after February 1st, the employee may make application within thirty(30) days of the birth to extend the leave to the end of the following school year.  There shall be no further childcare leaves granted.
  2. Non-Tenured Staff:

    • A childcare leave granted to a non-tenured employee shall not extend beyond June 30th of the year in which it is granted. An employee on leave shall be subject to the same process of review for contract renewal as those employees who continue to work.


Federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA):

FMLA begins with your first sick day and shall be for up to 12 weeks leave of absence in a twelve month period. The time taken may be concurrent with NJFLA.A staff member shall become eligible for FMLA leave after he/she has been employed at least twelve months in this district and employed for at least 1250 hours of service during the twelve-month period immediately preceding the commencement of the leave. 

NJ Family Leave Act (NJFLA):

Staff members can apply for NJ Family Leave after the use of their sick days. A staff member shall become eligible for NJFLA leave after he/she has been employed at least twelve months in this district for not less than 1,000 base hours, excluding overtime, during the immediate preceding twelve-month period. The calculation of the twelve-month period to determine eligibility shall commence with the commencement of the NJFLA leave.  If you are eligible, you can receive a maximum of $881 a week up to 12 weeks directly from the State of NJ.  Individuals can only take 12 weeks of NJFLA within a 24 month period.

Information about Family Leave:


Below is the link to the State of NJ Family Leave Insurance Benefits application that you may apply for when you are unpaid.  The application should be completed online. For assistance in completing the application, please contact them directly at (609) 292-7060.



Staff with insurance benefits can retain their health benefits for up to twelve (12) weeks after the delivery date. You are still required to contribute your share of health benefits costs for those weeks. 

  • If you maintain your health benefits during unpaid leave, you should arrange advanced benefit contributions through payroll.  Please contact the Business Office to make the necessary arrangements.

Staff who will be using unpaid childcare leave beyond the twelve (12) weeks may acquire health benefits through Cobra insurance. Benefit Express will provide employees with a COBRA notice in accordance with the time periods provided under federal law. Enrollment in and payment for COBRA benefits is handled by Benefit Express.
  • If you are enrolled with Prudential Disability Insurance or AFLAC, please contact them directly to discuss your options at this time.



If you use the district’s health insurance, you must complete the Health Benefits Change Form as soon as possible after the birth of your child. Please email the form to Teresa Laurie in the Payroll Office at Although you will not have a social security number, leave that field blank and provide it once that information is available.

In addition, in order to add your new dependent to medical, you must complete the information at the following link to add/delete dependents.  You will need to upload documents to add your dependents.  Please go to the following 



You are eligible to purchase pension credit for the unpaid time immediately preceding the birth of your child. It is strongly suggested that you purchase the allowed time from the State as soon as possible when you return.  You would do this through the MBOS system (instructions attached). Your pension number can be found on your pay stub. If you have questions about the process, please contact the Division of Pensions and Benefits at 609-292- 7524 or your financial advisor.


If you need to make changes to any of the following, please email Marlena Cowan in the Payroll Office at (Changes to tax shelters must be submitted through Plan Connect).

  • Direct Deposit

  • Federal and/or NJ W-4 tax status


Returning to Work:

At your follow-up doctor’s appointment, obtain a note certifying your “return to work date.”  Please provide a copy of the note to the Superintendent's Office prior to your return to work.

Staff members who are on childcare leave must notify the Board by March 1st if the employee plans to return for the following year.



In order to move up on the salary guide for the following school year, employees will need to be paid for ninety-two (92) or more days (not including school holidays or vacations) of the current school year.

Employees are not provided additional sick or vacation days for a new school year unless they have worked during the new school year.


Please contact the Business Office, (973) 429-8300 x1005, for additional information.