Gifted and Talented
Welcome to Gifted and Talented!
The Glen Ridge Public School Community, with our value on educational excellence, recognizes that Gifted Education should be a continuum of programming services for gifted learners available within their school day.
To ensure excellence for our gifted students, in agreement with The National Association for Gifted Children, the Glen Ridge Public Schools would like to have their Gifted Education programming to be a “coordinated and comprehensive structure of informal and formal services provided on a continuing basis to effectively nurture gifted learners.” In the Glen Ridge Public Schools such programming will be in the form of a pull-out program, differentiated instruction within the curriculum and informally occurring extra-curricular activities.
The Glen Ridge Public School District recognizes the unique needs, abilities, talents, and potential of the individual student. The purpose of the Gifted and Talented Program is to not only address areas of cognitive growth, but to provide students with opportunities, resources, and encouragement to aspire to the highest level of talent development.
By utilizing a broad range of advanced level learning experiences, higher order thinking skills and opportunities for creativity, the focus is not only on traditional academic achievement, but on emphasizing the development of a broader spectrum of the multiple potential of our students.
The Director of Student Services is: Mr. Jack DeWitt