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G&T Entry Criteria

Glen Ridge Public Schools Gifted and Talented Entry Criteria


The Glen Ridge Board of Education has adopted the following selection criteria to identify students eligible for participation in the Gifted and Talented Program.

In the Glen Ridge School District, students in grades kindergarten through twelve are identified as exceptionally able students if, through teacher observation, they: 

  • Demonstrate beyond the expert level of the district’s curriculum rubrics,
  • Possess exceptional leadership skills,
  • Display a high degree of intellectual, creative, and/or artistic abilities)


Identification and Selection

Classroom teachers will be familiar with the criteria for identifying gifted and talented pupils and will be alert to pupils who exhibit those criteria.  The identification methodology will be developmentally appropriate, non-discriminatory and related to the programs and services offered by the district. Pupils who are identified as exceptionally able students when compared to their peers within the district will be considered for participation in the gifted and talented program.