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Young Learners Program: Grades K-2

Young Learners Program: Grades Kindergarten through Second Grade

The process of identifying primary children is ongoing. Since developmental concerns are more prevalent during these early years, the student's needs must be reviewed each year. Due to the importance of accurate identification, multiple indicators are used during the screening process. Pupils will be screened in grades K, 1, & 2 using the following criteria:

  • MAP Test results:
    • 97-98% = 4 points
    • 99-100% = 5 points


  • CogAT Test results:
    • 124-129 = 3 points
    • 130-139 = 4 points
    • 140 and above = 5 points


  • Renzulli-Hartman Scale Characteristics of creativity, motivation, learning, and leadership:
    • 1.5-2 = 2 points
    • 2.1-2.4 = 3 points
    • 2.5-3 = 4 points 

Pupils are ranked according to the points they have earned.  Those attaining the minimum criteria of 12 points are recommended for admittance into the program. Parents or guardians of selected children will be notified in writing that their child has met the necessary criteria and is therefore eligible for admittance into the cognitive program.

General Information

New students in the district will be evaluated using available information, in accordance with the district’s identification process. Any additional tests required will be administered with parental permission, when available.

Students who qualify for the Young Learners program in Grade 1 may participate in the program until the end of Grade 2 without needing to re-qualify.  After Grade 2, students must qualify for the program each year in Grades 3 - 8.

Parental Notification

When a pupil has been identified as gifted or talented, the Glen Ridge Public School district will inform the pupil’s parent(s) and secure the parent(s) cooperation and permission for the pupil’s participation in gifted activities.

The enrichment needs of gifted and talented pupils can be met through a wide variety of activities and teaching strategies.  Appropriate curricular and instructional modifications will be developed for gifted pupils and the program will address appropriate content, process, products and learning environment.

Continuation in the Gifted and Talented Program

All students participating in the Young Learner’s Program will have their progress reviewed annually. Students must be making satisfactory progress in all subject areas.

A pupil may be withdrawn from the gifted and talented activities when:

  • The pupil wishes to withdraw and his/her parent(s) or legal guardian(s) consents to withdrawal.
  • The pupil’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s) requests the withdrawal.
  • The student does not maintain satisfactory progress in all subjects.