Parental Concerns: Appeal Process
G&T Appeals Process
Those interested in the appeals process should consider the following before filing their appeal:
The Gifted and Talented Committee, which is made up of educators representing each school building across the school district, will meet to review the information provided by parents. The information provided to the Committee will be redacted prior to the meeting, so all identifiable information is removed from the materials. The Gifted and Talented Committee will review the materials and make the determination if the appeal is granted, based on the materials provided by the parent. The results of the appeal will be communicated to parents in a letter. This process generally takes two weeks from the date of the appeal.
To file an appeal, consider the following:
Parents may petition the Director of Student Services for an appeal to be reviewed by the District Gifted and Talented Committee. In order to appeal, the student must meet the following criteria:
- A cumulative average of B+ or better (or equivalent) on their final report card
- A score of 130+ on a cognitive skills index
G&T Committee appeals packet due dates are as follows:
- For the 1st appeals meeting - request packets must be received by September 20, 2024.
- For the 2nd appeals meeting - request packets must be received by October 24, 2024.
- For the 3rd appeals meeting - request packets must be received by December 19, 2024.
- All G&T Committee Appeals meetings are scheduled for 1-2 weeks after each deadline/due date. Parents will be notified after the Committee has met and reviewed the appeals materials.
In order to file an appeal, the following information is expected:
- Each appeal packet requires a cover letter explaining and detailing the reason for the appeal, including the minimal appeal criteria scores (as detailed above). Parents must include all the documentation along with their packet, such as report cards, group testing scores, etc.
- Documentation that demonstrates giftedness beyond the expert level of the district’s curriculum
- Possess exceptional leadership skills
- Displays a high degree of intellectual, creative, and/or artistic ability
- Excels in specific fields
- Possible suggested artifacts:
- Outside Testing Reports - tests accepted for review are: Wechsler Scale-WISC, WAIS, WPPSI, Woodcock-Johnson Cognitive Test, Stanford Binet, and/or Kaufman Intelligence Test
Portfolio - a sample of student writing and mathematical work, outside activities documentation, and letters of recommendation from professionals outside of the district.