Student Services Offerings
Affirmative Action
It is the policy of the Glen Ridge Board of Education to avoid discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, gender, educational handicap or disability, ancestry, national origin, sexual orientation or social or economic status in its educational programs or activities. Inquiries regarding compliance should be directed to the District Affirmative Action Officer. The District Affirmative Action Grievance Procedure may be utilized by any student, parent, staff or community member who has a concern arising from alleged prejudice or discrimination on the basis of the aforementioned items. Neither staff nor students may, through statement or action, harass any other staff member or student on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, gender, educational handicap or disability, ancestry, national origin, sexual orientation, or social or economic status.
The Affirmative Action Officer is Dr. Keisha Harris or 973-707-5080
Basic Skills Instruction (BSI)
The Basic Skills Program provides support for students in all grade levels in the areas of reading, writing, and mathematics. Children learn in different ways and at varying rates, therefore, the goal of the Basic Skills teacher is to help identify students' needs and facilitate learning by providing experiences that will build skills, abilities and self-confidence.
In previous school years, students scoring partially proficient on any area of the statewide assessments were required to participate in the Basic Skills program. (NJ ASK grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,; GEPA grade 8,; and HSPA grade 11). This will be updated with the introduction of the new state assessment (PARCC).
Bedside Instruction
Certified teachers are provided to give instruction to children who are confined at home by an illness or injury for an extended period of time. Parents of such children should contact the school for complete information.
Child Find
Federal and state regulations provide for services to children from birth to age 21. The state of New Jersey, through a variety of programs provides services for children from birth to three years of age. Services for children from ages 3-21 are generally provided by local school districts. In New Jersey, districts are required each year to engage in activities to alert parents of the availability of these services. This web site announcement is one of the activities Glen Ridge engages in to reach out to parents.
Children are generally eligible for services on the date of their third birthday. It is important to note that not all needs of young children are served through this program. Related services such as speech and other therapies are only provided if the child is determined to require a special education program. Parents of children who will be three anytime during the school year should contact Student Services as early as possible, if they are concerned about their child's intellectual, physical, or emotional development. Professional guidance and an educational program (if needed) are available. For information, call the Director of Student Services at (973) 429-8305.
Child Study Teams
The Child Study Team (CST) is an interdisciplinary unit of professionals, composed of a school psychologist, school social worker, and learning disabilities teacher consultant who utilize an individualized approach to meet student needs. The Child Study Team recommends pre-intervention techniques and strategies to parents and teachers and consults and makes diagnoses on students with intellectual, physical, social, emotional, developmental or academic difficulties. Acting upon referrals made by teachers, principals, guidance counselors and parents, the team approaches each problem individually. Some approaches the team employs include conferences with teachers and parents, special education instruction, short-term in school counseling with students and referral to outside practitioners.
The purpose of the team is to respond to appropriate referrals from teachers, parents, and related school personnel who believe that a child may require an evaluation to determine if special services are warranted. However, this is generally an option pursued only after pre-referral intervention strategies have not proven successful. Parents may request a referral in writing, if they have significant concerns about their child's educational growth. Within 20 days after receipt of a request for a referral, a planning/identification meeting will be convened to review whether there is a need for a comprehensive evaluation. Parent consent is required before any assessment can begin. Once an evaluation has been conducted, members of the Child Study Team meet with parents and teachers to consider the results of the evaluations and determine whether or not the child is eligible for special education and related services. If a student is in need of special services, team members work with parents, teachers, administrators and other professionals to develop an appropriate Individual Education Program (I.E.P.) for the student.
Compliance with Section 504
The Glen Ridge School District adheres to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 which requires that no qualified handicapped person shall, on the basis of handicap, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity which receives or benefits from Federal financial assistance.
A student is eligible for services under Section 504 if he or she has a mental or physical impairment, which substantially limits one or more major life activities, such as learning, self-care, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing or performing manual tasks. The student must either have a record of such a mental or physical impairment or be regarded as having such impairment.
The district hereby provides notice to parents and guardians of Glen Ridge students of their rights under Section 504:
- A right to be informed of parental rights under Section 504. This notice satisfies that obligation.
- A right for all students eligible under Section 504 to receive commensurate educational opportunities as non handicapped students.
- A right for all students eligible for Section 504 services to be evaluated, at the expense of the school district, prior to any 504 placement or services, and a right to periodic reevaluation if the student is determined to be eligible for Section 504 services.
- A right to examine all records of a Section eligible student, and a right to be notified prior to any action by the Glen Ridge school district regarding the Section 504 student's identification, evaluation or placement.
- A right for Section 504 eligible students to receive educational services to insure that the Section 504 student is provided with "commensurate" educational opportunities as non-handicapped students.
- A right to an impartial hearing regarding the Glen Ridge school district's proposed course of action concerning Section 504 student's identification, evaluation, or placement. At said hearing, parents have the right to be represented by counsel, to obtain reimbursement of their legal fees if they succeed in the hearing, and to appeal the impartial hearing officer's decision to a court of competent jurisdiction.
- All questions or complaints regarding the Glen Ridge school district's Section 504 policy should be addressed to the district's Section 504 Coordinator, Mrs. Heather Kobylinski. All requests for impartial hearing must be filed with the district's Section 504 Coordinator within 30 calendar days of the action being challenged.
504 Coordinator: Heather Kobylinski
Parent Support and Information Group
A cooperative relationship between the district and parents for sharing ideas and addressing concerns is a very important factor in the Glen Ridge Public School's delivery of quality special education programs and related services. Our parent's group, known as GRASE, Glen Ridge Association for Special Education, meets on a semi-regular basis.
Preschool Disabilities
The preschool program has been developed to identify and provide comprehensive educational experiences for disabled children three to five years. Many children enter our Preschool Disabled program after leaving Early Intervention Programs that are offered by a variety of providers in Essex County and the surrounding area.
The goal of the program is two fold:
- To provide a natural environment for children of varying developmental levels to work at acquiring skills needed to achieve and develop to the fullest extent in the least restrictive environment.
- To support families as they develop resources for managing the daily stresses involved in raising a child with special needs.
The emphasis of the curriculum is positive. It focuses on the strengths of the child and the child's existing resources. This framework can be readily adapted to the natural setting of the home, with caregivers providing the active learning experiences, a facilitative structure with supportive guidance. Parents are supported to be the first and primary teachers of their children, a role that continues for a lifetime.
Students classified as Preschool Disabled attend a half-day program Monday through Friday. Occupational, speech, and physical therapists provide consultation, group lessons and individual therapy for special education students, as determined by their individual educational programs.
Opportunities, as prescribed in the student's IEP, are available for students to integrate with their non-disabled peers in school activities as well as within the general education preschool program offered for four year old students. Further details about this program may be obtained by contacting the Director of Student Services at (973) 429-8305.
Special Services
The Glen Ridge Public Schools offer a full continuum of placements to meet the needs of students with disabilities, ages three through twenty-one, for special education and related services. Educational program options throughout the district may include a regular education class program, in-class support, supplementary aides and services, and appropriate curricular and instructional modifications and related services, as required in each student's Individualized Education Plan (IEP). There are also resource center programs for replacement instruction as well as resource center support. Other self-contained special class programs, designed to meet the needs of children requiring small classes in order to benefit from their educational programs, are provided for students with preschool disabilities, and language/learning disabilities. Students may attend special subjects, lunch and other school functions with their non-disabled peers as prescribed in the IEP. Students with disabilities may also participate in academics with their non-disabled peers, as detailed in the individual student's IEP. There are also disabled students, whose needs require more intensive services than can be made available in the Glen Ridge schools, who attend programs offered in other school districts, hospitals, private schools for the disabled and educational services commissions, as prescribed in their IEP's. All placement decisions are made through the IEP team process after the individualized educational program has been designed.
Any questions or concerns regarding eligibility for special education services should be referred to the Director of Student Services (973) 429-8305.
Related Services
Speech/Language Services
The services of a speech-language specialist are available in all of the schools. These specialists provide communication services to students with articulation and/or language difficulties. The speech language specialist receives referrals from teachers, parents and administrators to evaluate students who exhibit possible speech and/or language disorders. Following the evaluation, a meeting is held with parents to share testing results and determine if the student is eligible for speech/language services. If eligible, an individualized education plan is developed for the student. The speech language specialist provides intervention and consultation with the classroom teacher and parents, as necessary. In addition, the speech language specialist may participate as a member of the Child Study Team. Parent involvement and cooperation are important components of the program. We currently employ two full time speech/language therapists in the district.
Occupational Therapy
The Occupational Therapy Program utilizes goal directed, developmentally sequenced activities to enhance the students' ability to benefit from educational programming. Students who receive this service must be classified by the Child Study Team and have this program outlined in their Individual Educational Plan.
Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy is provided to those disabled students who require the service to benefit from education or to be maintained in the least restrictive, most supportive environment. These services are directed toward the development and/or maintenance of the disabled pupil's physical potential for optimal functioning in educationally related activities. Students who receive this service must be classified by the Child Study Team and have this program outlined in their Individual Educational Plan.
Counseling Services
The district employs two school psychologists, one social worker, five guidance counselors, and one Substance Awareness Coordinator to provide services to students in grades K-12. They are available during a crisis or for students and/or parents on an on-going basis to provide short-term in school counseling with students and/or referral to outside practitioners.