Student Services Home
Glen Ridge Public Schools Student Services
Phone: 973-429-8305
FAX: 973-743-7079
Director of Student Services
Jack DeWitt
The goal of Student Services is to provide a framework of integrated services to children with special needs. Student Services professionals are dedicated to providing an overall system that connects and communicates in such a way that all children with special needs are served optimally, and all parents of special needs children are significantly involved in the delicate delivery system.
The Student Services Department is comprised of the Child Study Teams (Learning Consultants, Psychologists, and a Social Worker), Special Education Teachers, a Substance Awareness Counselor, Speech and Language Specialists, Nurses, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Aides, and Basic Skills Instructors.
The department emphasizes compliance with Federal and State mandates; direct parent and staff educational opportunities in special education; transition planning services; identification of preschool children with special needs and provision of inclusive preschool experiences for them; and improved flow and accessibility of information to parents.
The creation of this web page is a vital part of this process, and we hope you find it helpful and informative. The process is ongoing. We encourage your active participation through the use of this website. It is a fundamental link to one another in our commitment to helping every child reach their fullest potential through the understanding of their learning differences, and unique gifts and strengths.