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Sinton, Heather

Heather Sinton, Child Study Team Middle School/ High School Psychologist & Case Manager

Phone: 973.429.8300 ext. 2019


Hello everyone! My name is Heather Sinton and I have worked at the Glen Ridge Middle School/High School as the School Psychologist and Case Manager supporting middle and high students for seven years. I have had the pleasure of working with students from 3rd through 12th grade since being with the Glen Ridge public schools. In my role, I support the students, teachers, and parents through collaboration and observation to best meet each child's academic, social and emotional needs. I also provide a school-based counseling for students in need of emotional support. 

Please see below some helpful resources, tools and websites for your children and/or students.

Anxiety Reducing Exercises:

Deep Breathing: Sit comfortably and place one hand on your abdomen. Breathe in through your nose, deeply enough that the hand on your abdomen rises. Hold the air in your lungs, and then exhale slowly through your mouth, with your lips puckered as if you are blowing through a straw. The secret is to go slow: Time the inhalation (4s), pause (4s), and exhalation (6s). Practice for 3 to 5 minutes. (Therapist Aid 2017) .

Imagery Exercise: When you think of something positive and calming, it can help you feel relaxed. The use of imagery is a great way to reduce anxiety!Think of a place that you find comforting. Like a beach, your room, or even a concert. For 5 to 10 minutes, use all your senses to imagine this setting in great detail, really imagine it. (Therapist Aid 2018) . What do you see around you? Look all around your surroundings even look for the small details What sounds can you hear? What can you feel? What is the temperature? Is it hot or is it cold? What scents are present?

Supporting Mental Well-being During COVID-19

Staying Connected: Tips to remain connected while practicing social distancing or in quarantine.

  • Use technology to stay in touch if available, especially video contact. Seeing someone’s facial expressions can help increase connection.
  • Check in with your friends, family, and neighbors regularly, using texts, phone calls, emails and other virtual tools.    
  • Wherever you can, help people in your life who may be more vulnerable (e.g. those with no access to the internet or need help grocery shopping)
  • Connect with the people in your household. Use this time to improve your existing relationships!
  • Manage your stress. Create a daily self-care routine. Exercise, meditate, and keep to a daily routine as much as possible. 
  • Show kindness to others in your community. This is very stressful for many people, especially those who are vulnerable and families who may be struggling already with poverty or other family stressors. It is also very stressful for health care workers and their families. Helping others increases your sense of purpose and value, improving your own well-being. It’s not just family and friends who require support, but others in your community.

Helpful resource:

Peace at Home Parenting Website


H.O.P.E. - Hold on. Pain Ends

" Every Child is a Different Kind of Flower And All Together Make this World a Beautiful Garden."